Banner graphic of facade pipes with the text, Organ Specifications.

The Albee Mighty WurTitzer Theatre Organ
Cincinnati Music Hall Ballroom

Opus #1680
3 Manuals-31 Ranks


Main Chamber  (18 ranks) Pipes Wind
Vox Humana 61 6"
Tibia 85 15"
Diaphonic Diapason 73 15"
Tuba Horn 73 15"
Clarinet 61 10"
Concert Flute 97 10"
Viol d' Orchestre 85 10"
Viol Celeste 85 10"
Flute Celeste 73 10"
Salicional 73 10"
Voix Celeste 73 10"
Principal 61 5"
Octave 61 5"
Super Octave 61 5"
IV Mixture 244 5"
Chrysoglott 49 metal bars  
Temple Bells    
Solo Chamber  (13 Ranks) Pipes Wind
Vox Humana 61 6"
Brass Sax 61 10"
Quintadena 61 10"
Brass Trumpet 61 10"
Oboe Horn 61 10"
Kinura 61 10"
Orchestral Oboe 61 10"
String 73 10"
Tibia 97 15"
Tuba Mirabilis 61 15"
String Celeste 61 10"
Open Diapason 73 10"
Post Horn 61 12"
Xylophone 37 Rosewood bars
Marimba 49 Rosewood bars
Chimes 25 Tubes  
Glockenspiel 37 metal bars  
Sleigh Bells 25 Tuned bells  
Tap Cymbal 12" Zildjian  
Splash Cymbal 10" Zildjian  
Roll Cymbal 18" Zildjian  
Crash Cymbal 24" Zildjian  
Chinese Gong China  
Bass/Kettle Drum    
Wood Block    
Tom Tom/Snare Drum    
Sand Block    
Bird Whistle    
Acme Siren    
Train Whistle    
Train Bell    
Fire Gong    
Door Bell    
Auto Horn    

CLICK HERE to download the complete information of our instrument.
This includes stoplist, general details, and chamber analysis.

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Opus #1680 Specs
The Slient Years (Coming Soon)

Updated on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:03 PM