Banner graphic of Cincinnati skyline with the text, Chapter's mission statement

If you missed Happy Holidays with The Mighty Wurlitzer
featuring acclaimed theatre organist, Walt Strony on December 12, 2013
CLICK HERE to see pictures from the concert

On Broadway with the Mighty Wurlitzer!
Starring Walt Strony - May 5, 2011 10:30am & 7pm
A celebration of the Great White Way starring the Mighty Wurlitzer and acclaimed theatre-organist, Walt Strony (direct from Las Vegas)! A full orchestra in one organ, the Wurlitzer is perfectly designed to capture the theatricality of Broadway’s greatest hits. Featuring Mark Hardy and Lisa Ericksen – veterans of Broadway, national tours, opera, and the concert stage – and two rising stars from NKU's musical theatre program, this unforgettable concert experience will feature favorites from Broadway's golden age along with some current surprises! – HINT: what hit show features a big pipe organ and lush singing?

to purchase tickets online or call 513 621-2787

CLICK HERE - Share this flyer with your family and friends

Concert Highlights!
Here are highlights from the Happy Holidays Mighty Wurlitzer Concert
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the Ohio Valley Chapter

Fall Chapter Meeting
Highlights coming soon!

HAPPY 50th Birthday Ohio Valley Chapter

Highlights from our Spring Meeting
On Sunday, March 14, our chapter had the first meeting of the new year at the Ballroom of Cincinnati Music Hall. There was food, fellowship, and Trent Sims at the console of our Mighty WurliTzer. Here are some pictures and videos that were taken by our webmaster, Larry Klug. Click on any picture below to see it bigger. Hit the BACKSPACE key to return to this page.

Trent Sims takes a moment for a picture   Trent playing our mighty wurlitzer.    Food,fellowship, and organ music
Left Picture: Trent Sims takes a moment for a picture
Center Picture: With no sheet music in front of him, Trent does a splended performance
Right Picture: Food, fellowship, and open console

food and organ music for the soul.   open console time    close up picture of the pipe chambers
Left Picture: Food for the tummy and organ music for the soul
Center Picture: Open console time
Right Picture: Chamber music anyone?

Videos from You Tube

The Silent Years (Coming Soon)

Updated on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 0:16 AM